Definition of chattel from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
noun . 1. Law. a movable article of personal property. 2. any article of tangible property other than land, buildings, and other things annexed to land.
Definition of "Chattel" CHATTEL - Personal property, movable or immovable, which is less than a freehold; for example, a book, a coat, a pencil, growing corn, a lease.
In some cultures, servants, wives and children have also been considered to greater or lesser degrees to be the personal property (chattel) of their husbands, fathers or guardians.
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chattel n. Law. An article of movable personal property. A slave. [Middle English chatel , movable property, from Old French, from Medieval Latin
An item of Personal Property that is movable; it may be animate or inanimate. Chattels are synonymous with goods or personalty. chattel n. an item of personal property which is
chat·tel (ch t l) n. 1. Law An article of movable personal property. 2. A slave. [Middle English chatel, movable property, from Old French, from Medieval Latin capit le; see
chattel (chÄt`Él), in law, any property other than a freehold estate in land (see tenure 2)). Spiritual welfare was provided for by frankalmoign tenure, i.e., granting lands in
Converse of object include: They do not include any chattels used at the death of the intestate for business purposes nor money or securities for money.
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